The promotion of the documentary movie: "Reptiles of Sarajevo - living with snakes" was held on Saturday - 01.02.2025,. Themovie was promoted as part of the ceremonial 137th birthday of the National Museum of B&H (Sarajevo) and was filmed thanks to the financial support of the municipality Centar (Sarajevo) through the project led by BHHU-ATRA. The 50-minute documentary movie, through interviews with our experts (Mr. Adnan Zimić and dr. sc. Emina Šunje), footage of snakes in their natural habitats and detailed post-production, provides a comprehensive insight into the world of snakes in the city of Sarajevo. It teaches us where to find and how to recognize all six species of snakes that live in our city, breaking down prejudices and raising awareness of the importance of these often misunderstood creatures. At the same time, it points to the threats snakes face due to human fear and carelessness. The goal is to change the perception of these fascinating creatures - from dangerous animals to essential members of the natural balance, thus encouraging a harmonious coexistence between humans and snakes. More than 100 people attended the promotion of the movie, and we received fantastic feedback from the audience. The film was made for you, our children and all future generations to come and will be available soon on the BHHU - ATRA youtube channel. For more info about the project, see here